WordPress Plugins

Why You Need the Use of WordPress Plugins

The main reason why we highly recommend purchasing a theme, however, is definitely the graphic impact. In my opinion, to date there is no free theme with a graphic design comparable to that of paid themes, and we know that appearance is the first thing your users will evaluate your site for. Using the WordPress Plugins is essential. In summary here are the points that distinguish free WordPress templates from paid ones:

The free themes have do not include work tools now considered standard, such as the layout builder, advanced sliders etc.

  • They are not updated and followed with the same care as paid ones.
  • Logically, the support in free templates is of a different nature.
  • The aspect of safety and maintenance over time is more guaranteed in premium themes.
  • The problem though is that, with so much variety of choices, finding the right theme can get complicated.
  • Below we show some points of reference to filter the alternatives and choose the perfect themes for your website.

How to choose the right theme

Let’s start by saying that the graphic aspect is one of the variables to consider. Evaluate it according to your tastes, those of your client or the type of project you will have to carry out. But don’t forget about the other factors before buying a WordPress template. Let’s see them all.

Template compatibility

The theme you choose will have to be compatible with the latest versions of WordPress released, so that it can take full advantage of every new feature. This may also be necessary for certain plugins, such as WooCommerce.

If you already know in the design phase that you need a particular plugin, don’t forget to check, perhaps even asking the support, if the template you are about to buy is compatible. To check this aspect, for example on Themeforest , just open the page of the theme you are evaluating and take a look at the right bar. Below you will find a range of information such as the creation date.

  • The date of the last update.
  • Compatibility with browsers.
  • Compatibility with software versions and plugins.

Themeforest features

Browser compatibility is a key aspect to consider. Although most manufacturers report total compatibility, our advice is to check for yourself.

How to do? Very simple

In the same screen, under the image of the theme there is the live preview button, which offers a preview of the installed theme with fictitious content, but with every feature well highlighted. Just browse through the various browsers to make sure that the theme does not present any defect.

Responsive Template

The percentage of use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets is continuously increasing. Deciding to start with a site that does not perfectly fit the different supports would be like deciding to participate in a cross-country race with a leg in plaster.

Fortunately, to date it is such an indispensable requirement that no topic can do without it. However, it is still important to take a first-person test, to check how the contents adapt. The navigation menu, the images, the arrangement of the elements must fully meet your expectations, the usability must be immediate and the loading speed must be optimal.

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