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Choosing the Best options for the Destiny 2

The release of Shadowkeep for Destiny 2 later today involves so much that we put a lot of detail into articles separately to keep you informed. Shadowkeep is not only an extension to the game but the release also marks a kind of new start for Bungie. The game goes free-to-play, cross-save is possible and the focus is more on seasons and that is accompanied by major and minor changes. One of the more drastic changes is that the armor system is overhauled and given an extra layer. It’s simply called Armor 2.0, and we’ll go into that in more detail in this article. For destiny 2 trials of osiris flawless carry this is essential.

What exactly is Armor 2.0?

Bungie wants the existing armor to be provided with an extra layer to give players more opportunities to modify their build. You get a number of slots per armor piece and you can place a modification in them and that comes with some advantages. For example, if you play a lot with Supers, you can place ‘Intelligence’ mods in the slots of your armor pieces, so that you will regenerate Super faster than usual. Since the Super is very strong, you will not be able to add unlimited mods to your armor, because that is based on energy.

Each mod requires a certain amount of energy and an armor piece is provided for that. To give you an example: if you have a piece of armor in front of your chest that comes with four energy points and the mod for Intelligence requires three points, you will have one point to which you can assign another mod. However, there are also mods that require less energy and that means that instead of the given example you can also use four mods that each require one energy point or two of two. It can be set up at your own discretion and the difference lies in the energy points that vary per armor piece.

It is up to you as a player to decide what you want to use and whatnot. To avoid being careful about using these mods, Bungie implements the feature that mods are infinitely usable. So you do not have consumables, which players can be cautious about. Once you’ve unlocked a mod, you can apply it anywhere without losing it. This is intended to give you every opportunity to tinker with your build because the fact that you can reuse mods gives you the freedom to experiment. In that sense, you will not be taken in hand, because exploring the possibilities in what does and does not work is more fun and provides more variety.

Artifact mods and mod unlocks

With Shadowkeep, players also get an Artifact that can be leveled by playing the game. Leveling will unlock new perks and get mods, which you can apply to the armor again, but there are also specific mods that only work in combination with energy types. Suppose you unlock a solar mod and you have Solar armor, then that mod can only be applied to it. The mod system is therefore twofold because it consists of universally applicable mods and mods that are linked to a certain energy type and you can also play with your build in this. However, the armor set itself will not be limited because it can still be combined at your own discretion.

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